A Typical Reiki Healing Session

A Reiki session follows a structured approach to ensure maximum energy flow, protection, and healing.

1/29/20252 min read

A Typical Reiki Healing Session

A Reiki session follows a structured approach to ensure maximum energy flow, protection, and healing. Below are the key steps involved:

1. Healing Start

The session begins with setting the intention for healing, ensuring that both the practitioner and recipient are mentally and energetically prepared.

2. Entering the Alpha State

The practitioner enters the Alpha state of mind, which is a relaxed yet focused state, just before sleep. This helps in deep relaxation, heightened intuition, and effective energy transmission. The entire session is conducted in this state.

3. Invocation & Protection

  • A sacred invocation prayer is made to invite the presence of higher beings such as:

    • Reiki Masters

    • Reiki Angels & Archangels

    • Ascended Masters

    • Guides & Protectors

    • Quantum Angels & Third Eye Reiki Angels

  • The practitioner then places a protective shield of Divine White Light to ensure the healing space remains pure and free from negative interference.

4. Activating the Reiki Channel

  • The practitioner invokes Reiki energy and allows it to flow from the Crown Chakra down to the Palm Chakras.

  • This ensures that the Reiki energy is fully activated and ready for healing.

5. Passing the Reiki Healing Energy

  • Reiki is transferred to the recipient through the hands of the practitioner.

  • Various hand positions are used to target different chakras and areas of distress.

  • The energy continues flowing until the healee’s body absorbs the required amount.

6. Projecting & Sealing Symbols

  • Sacred Reiki symbols are used to enhance the healing process.

  • Symbols are drawn on the Third Eye, affected areas, or visualized from the mind’s eye.

  • The corresponding mantras are chanted to activate the symbols.

  • At the end, sealing symbols are used to lock in the healing energy for long-lasting effects.

7. Reiki Circle

  • The recipient is placed in a Reiki Circle for added protection and manifestation.

  • This helps to shield their desires, aspirations, and healing progress from negative influences.

8. Thanking the Angels & Masters

  • Gratitude is expressed to all higher beings, Reiki Masters, and Angels for their assistance and guidance.

  • This step reinforces spiritual connection and respect for divine energies.

9. Healing End

  • The session is formally closed, and the recipient is brought back to a grounded and balanced state.

  • The practitioner disconnects from the Reiki channel while ensuring the healee is fully restored and rejuvenated.

By following these steps, a powerful and effective Reiki healing session is conducted, ensuring deep physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual transformation.