reiki distance healing
reiki distance healing

Ditance Healing - Pricing

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Pricing Plans - India

*Actual Cost calculated based on ₹500 per 1 hour master healing session by a trained Turbo Reiki and SHF Master....

Basic Plan- Trial

₹2100 - 1 month

  • Duration 1 month -

  • 1 hour per Day.

  • Energy Exchange:₹2100/- for 30 sessions.

  • ₹70 per session.

  • *Actual Cost ̶₹̶1̶5̶0̶0̶0̶ Discount 86%

  • Healing with SHF(Sky Healing Frontiers), Quantum Angelic Healing & Turbo Reiki.

Advanced Plan
- SHF Pyramid Advantage

₹3900 - 3 Months

  • Duration - 3 months - 1 hour per Day.

  • Energy Exchange:₹3900 for 90 sessions

  • ₹43 per Session.

  • *Actual Cost ̶₹̶4̶5̶0̶0̶0̶ Discount 91%

  • Healing in Basic

  • Healing 24x7 with (Sky Healing Frontiers) SHF Programmed Pyramids.

Premium Plan
- Crystal Advantage

₹6600 - 6Months

  • Duration 6 months -

  • 1 hour per Day.

  • Energy Exchange:₹6600 for 180 Sessions.

  • ₹36 per session.

  • *Actual Cost ̶₹̶9̶0̶0̶0̶0̶ Discount 92%

  • Healing in Basic

  • Healing 24x7 with SHF programmed Pyramids

  • 24x7 Healing with Master Crystal Grid.

purple cyrstal quarts stone

Master Plan
- SHF Angel Advantage

₹9804 - 12 months

  • Duration 12 months

  • 1 hour per Day

  • Energy Exchange:

  • ₹9804 for 365 Sessions.

  • ₹27 per session.

  • *Actual Cost ̶₹̶1̶8̶0̶0̶0̶0̶ Discount 94%

  • Healing in Basic

  • Healing 24x7 with ( SHF programmed Pyramids

  • Healing 24x7 with Master Crystal Grid.

  • Priority Support.

  • Change the Need for Healing once a month.

  • Invoking 24x7 presence & support of SHF Angels & Quantum Angel...

  • 1 hour per Day.

  • Energy Exchange:₹2100/- for 30 sessions.

  • ₹70 per session.

  • *Actual Cost ̶₹̶1̶5̶0̶0̶0̶ Discount 86%

  • Healing with SHF(Sky Healing Frontiers), Quantum Angelic Healing & Turbo Reiki.

Healing Packages for Rest of the world

✧ Duration 12 months
✧Energy Exchange: $123 for 365 Sessions.

*Actual Cost ̶$2196 Discount 94%
✧ Healing in Basic (Healing with SHF(Sky Healing Frontiers), quantum angelic healing & Reiki..)
✧ Healing 24x7 with ( SHF programmed Pyramids)
✧Healing 24x7 with Master Crystal Grid.
✧ Priority Support.
✧ Change the Need for Healing once a month.
Invoking 24x7 Presence & Healing Support of SHF Angels & Quantum Angel...

To Enroll click below button

Only the Master Plan - SHF Angel Advantage $123 - 12 Months

is available for International clients...

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Pay Through Bank Transfer:

Name: B Aswin Roshan
Account no.: 919010043529377
Branch: axis bank, chromepet, Chennai -600044

or By
Gpay No. : 9444342693
Gpay Name: B Aswin Roshan

purple cyrstal quarts stone

Three Aspects Of Healing at

Turbo Reiki

The below Energy Tools And Techniques are Employed in Healing In Turbo Reiki

SHF Programmed Pyramids

Utilize the miracle of Pyramids

Pyramids of a specific dimension are power houses of cosmic energy and act as microprocessors of cosmic energy, Which can be programnmed By a SHF Master to heal the people whose case sheet is placed in the pyramid.

SHF Crystal Healing Grid

Tap the Healing energy of Universe with Crystals

Crystals are naturally occurring crystalline substances. When utilizing crystals we are immediately connected with the universe and healing consequently happens. The Crystal Grid Used by Us are Programmed with SHF and this enhances the healing efficacy exponentially.

Invoking SHF Angels
Your Divine Buddy.

SHF Angels are the beings of light that represent the angelic consciousness of SHF Healing energies. SHF angels aide in the process of healing, shielding, energization & intuitive guidance.
By Invoking the presence of these angels with one 24x7 they are effectively shielded, protected and empowered with all auspiciousness.

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Special Tailored plans for Various Industries

Any industry can benefit by being healed for their Company and its owner and their key employees

we offer these special packs for industries like Cinema, Manufacturing to name a few.

you can contact us for more details on this Special pack ...

looking up at trees and blue sky


Reach out for healing sessions and inquiries. We are here!
sun light passing through green leafed tree
sun light passing through green leafed tree

Third Eye Reiki Services

green leaf