group of people doing yoga

Reiki Classes

green and blue abstract painting

Reiki Weekend Classes

Reiki Level I Basic & Level II Advanced Course

* Course Conducted on a weekend
* Saturday 9:30 am to 4:00 pm - Reiki Level I Basic
* Sunday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm - Reiki Level II Advanced
* Lunch provided

Course fee inclusive of
* Access to our Mobile App.
* Guided Meditation Audio mp3s.
* Reiki Level I and II manual.
* Certification.

Please call us to register for
Reiki Training in Chennai and for the Schedule of the Reiki Training Workshop.
Contact Us:
+91 9360528300, +91 9444342693

Reiki Training in Chennai
Reiki Training in Chennai
blue and red cubist building

The following courses are offered at the Third Eye Reiki Services™ center .

Third Eye Reiki Level I - Basic

Third Eye Reiki Level II - Advanced

Third Eye Reiki Level III - Mastership

Third Eye Reiki Teachership

Magnified Healing Mastership / Teachership

Click on the button below to Register for a course.

Levels in Reiki

There are 4 levels in Reiki.
I Level I - Basic


1. Introduction
2. History
3. Principles & Concepts of Reiki
4. Body points
5. Reiki Initiation
6. Sharing of Experience
7. Self Treatment / Treating others
8. Group Treatment
9. Reiki Meditation
10. Chakra Balancing

II Level II - Advanced

1. Symbols
2. Initiation
3. Body practice using symbols (self)
4. Sharing of Experience
5. Aura Treatment
6. Scanning
7. Meditation
8. Treating others with symbols
9. Distance Healing - Method
10. Reiki Applications - Wish Box, Healing relationship etc.
11. Reiki to plants, animals, charging water, babies and children

III Level III A - Master Healer

1. Introduction
2. Master symbol (USUI), Intensive Healing symbols
3. Initiation
4. Body practice
5. Crystal grid
6. Reiki Meditation

IV Level III B - Master Teacher

1. All master symbols
2. Healing attunement
3. Attunement process
4. Modern Attunement method
5. Distance Attunement
6. Self Attunement
7. Violet Breath
8. Increasing the personal magnetism

a blurry image of a pink and blue background

Reiki Training in Chennai

Welcome to Third Eye Reiki Services, a divine space where ancient healing practices meet modern spiritual needs. Located in the vibrant city of Chennai, we offer transformative Reiki Training programs designed to awaken your inner healer and align you with the universal life force energy.

Why Choose Third Eye Reiki Services?

  • Divine Blessings of Mahaavatar Babaji: Our training is guided by the light and wisdom of Mahaavatar Babaji, the eternal guru of self-realization. His infinite blessings empower our sessions, making them uniquely sacred and impactful.

  • Universal Energy, Free from Boundaries: At Third Eye Reiki Services, we teach Reiki as a universal healing art, free from the restrictions of religion, race, caste, or creed. Our approach resonates with all, offering a holistic path to healing and enlightenment.

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our training covers all levels of Reiki, from foundational Level 1 to advanced Master and Grandmaster levels, ensuring a complete journey for every seeker.

What You Will Learn

  1. Reiki Level 1 (Self-Healing): Learn the fundamentals of Reiki, including energy flow, chakra balancing, and basic healing techniques.

  2. Reiki Level 2 (Distance Healing): Deepen your connection to Reiki energy with symbols and techniques for healing others and sending healing across time and space.

  3. Reiki Level 3 (Master Level): Master advanced techniques, symbols, and practices for profound healing and spiritual growth.

  4. Reiki Master Teacher Training: Become a teacher, empowered to initiate others into Reiki and spread the light of healing.

Join Us Today

Step into a life of healing, self-realization, and divine alignment. At Third Eye Reiki Services, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us to learn more about our upcoming training programs in Chennai and how you can begin your transformative Reiki journey.

looking up at trees and blue sky


Reach out for healing sessions and inquiries. We are here!
sun light passing through green leafed tree
sun light passing through green leafed tree

Third Eye Reiki Services

green leaf